Maxwell: Studio Lighting Techniques

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Welcome to our first series with Maxwell Render Ninja James Coleman! In this series James Coleman takes you through the basics of setting up a photo studio lighting scene in Maxwell Render. James will cover various topics and there's even bonus material for those hungry for knowledge!


Part 1: Studio Lighting Techniques

  1. Setup (06:03)
  2. Creating Materials (07:28)
  3. Camera Setup (05:13)
  4. Setup Detail (05:13)
  5. Tuning Reflectors (05:13)
  1. Coloured Reflectors (05:13)
  2. Coloured Emitters (05:13)
  3. Temperature Emitters (05:13)
  4. Custom Temperatures (05:13)
  5. Conclusions (05:13)

Part 2: Bonus Materials

  1. Infinity Curves (06:03)
  2. Photoshop Gradient Emitter (07:28)
  3. Soft Box (05:13)
  1. Reflection HDRI (05:13)
  2. IES Lights (05:13)
  3. Multilight (05:13)